
In today's world everything is much more complex than it was when our parents were growing up.  When I was growing up we never heard my mom and dad argue.  Now some of the things I here young couples say to each other makes my head spin. When I was growing up things were much simpler.  Daddy went out and earned our living and Mama stayed home and took care of everything else as well as working in our field or a neighbor. Now it takes both the husband and wife working just to make ends meet.  My Dad said having a good marriage was like hooking two mules to a plow.  If they work together you can plow all day and get a lot done and your fields look great.  But if one is pulling in one way and the other one pulling in the other direction you can't get anything done. Same with relationships, it you don't share the same goals or the same plan for getting to that goal you will never get to that goal.  True love has these three qualities, faith, trust, and love.  Thank you for stopping by blog.


  1. I have sat on that porch and discussed the values in life with John and Deb. My children and I will treasury that time and the relationship. Their friendship has some of the same qualities as love has. Hope to get back to the porch soon.


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