Same School
As the start of school fast approaches, I ask my grandson how it felt to be able to go to the same school again this year? He said, "it feels great!" He is really looking forward to seeing all his friends from last year. He has worked really hard all summer and he made the Junior Varsity Football Team. We are all so very proud of him! We told him that he had worked so hard all summer that even if he didn't make it we were proud of him. We all did a happy dance when he told us he made the team. I remember what it was like to move every Christmas. Most of my growing up years my folks were share croppers, and we moved every Christmas. Then when my oldest son started to school, we went through a period where it seemed we moved every time the rent was due. That was an awful way to live and I thank the Lord that I finally got up enough nerve to strike out on my own! Thanks to my Mom after that we never moved again. The kids and I would have never made it if my Mom had not moved in with us. Those years were some of the hardest, happiest years of my life. She would be really proud of D for making the team. She would have never gone to a game, but she would have listened to it on the radio and waited up for him to come home.
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