Some of my best

memories were made on the front porch. Growing up the front porch was were most of the action happened. One of my earliest and one of my favorite is of a bunch of army boys, as my mom called them sitting around shining boots, and laughing. My big brother was a member of the 101st Screaming Eagles, out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Our house was the closest to the base and we lived in North Alabama. When the guys got leave they always came to our house. I was a little girl and they were my heroes! My brothers girlfriend always fixed the guys up with dates and you can't go on a date with dirty boots. It seemed like they polished them for hours. My mom always cooked til the table was full of food. If I close my eyes I can see daddy sitting in the swing and the guys scattered around the porch and several beagle dogs laying around the yard. The smell of food coming through the screen door still lingers.


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