
You know teenage boys really haven't changed too much. I remember when I was a senior in school my best friend and I both had a crush on the same boy. We were the kind of friends that told each other everything. We shared home room and this one Monday morning we both get to school smiling from ear to ear. I said guess who I went out with Saturday night, she said guess who I went out with last night. We said "No Way"! We decided not to say anything to this young man and decide to spend the night together on Saturday night. Sure enough he call to see if I wanted to go to the movies, I said, sure. The look on his face when he saw us both was priceless! We all three had a good laugh and he took us both to the movies. Both of my boys have in the past been guilty of juggling more than one girlfriend at a time. In these days and times that can be dangerous.


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