
I was blessed with great parents! Neither of them had much of an education, my dad could barely write his name and my mom went to the third grade. They were both determined that their children would get an education. They were smarter than most college graduates. They had honor! They were loyal to each other and family came first. My dad said that a man was only as good as his word, and that a persons word was his bond. How many folks can say that now. They didn't take hand outs, they worked for everything they had, and they got it all honestly. They didn't steal or cheat, they had honor. I tried to teach my children to have honor. If you respect yourself and others and always do what's right, there would be fewer problems in this world. Honor you Mother and Father, Honor your country. Be an honest, hard working,productive member of society. Remember that life is about choices, sometimes you make good ones, sometimes you make bad ones, and how you deal with the consequences be it good or bad is what makes you who you are.


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