The Karate Snake

My oldest son and I have been involved in the martial arts for years. We were talking about some of the stuff we used to do, the tournaments, clinics and places we used to go. When he got old enough to have a job and a family of his own I went to a lot of these things alone. At this one clinic in Montgomery there were a lot of high ranking members of our Association and after this clinic we went back to one of there houses to chill out by the pool. A number of us were out by the pool when one of the under ranking fellows is talking to a couple of the black belt guys about how his pet boa had been in his car all day and had gotten stuck under the dash. So the guys go out to help rescue the snake. This took a little while, in the meantime several beers were consumed by all and the snake was rescued as the guys came out to the pool with said snake the highest ranking black belt says to his next in command, "you tell that young man to stay over there with that snake if he want to live." I was a bit surprised that a man of his statue was unnerved, and was very serious as to where that snake needed to stay. The snake and owner went home and all was well.


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