
I think that respect is one of the key ingredients that is missing from almost every home in this country. Children no longer respect their parents, teachers, authorities or themselves. If we as parents don't respect ourselves enough to demand respect from our children how will they learn to respect others. Respect is earned not given. We have to teach our children how to respect themselves and those around them. Discipline is something else that is missing in most homes. We as parents have to teach our children that there are consequences for their actions. These things are taught by example. Through our own actions our children will learn. We have to also teach our children how lucky they are to live in this great country. God, Family and Country was once the three greatest priorities in this country. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would see someone burn the American flag in this country! I would punish my grown children if I ever saw them do such a thing. Why are we sitting on our porches and allowing the minority to steal our freedom and our country from us? To many good men and women have died, for us to have these rights, for us to allow the liberals/progressives to take them from us. We all need to vote! We need to vote these people out of office and start taking our country back. The only way we can do this is one household, one town, one state and one vote at a time. Your vote does count! Stand up and be counted for this is our Country!


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