Today's world

In today's world there aren't as many front porches as there used to be. Not to many people even take the time to sit and talk anymore. Life is so fast paced if you aren't on the cell phone, you're texting, or on the computer. Lots of folks don't even get the time to sit down and have a meal together. I understand all that. Many parents work two jobs or mom works one shift, dad works another, kids go to school, play sports, homework and somewhere in there you try to squeeze in a little sleep. We need to try to slow down just a bit. Every family needs one or two meals together and to talk about the things that are going on in their lives. Kids, and spouses need to feel loved. We need to take the time to tell a few stories, laugh, and share our thoughts and feelings with each other. Thanks for stopping by have a great evening and share a bedtime story with someone you love.


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