Chocolate Gravy

One of the most requested breakfast foods at our house was my Mom's chocolate gravy. Chocolate gravy is a hot thick sweet syrup that is magnificent over a hot butter biscuit. When I was growing up it was a cheap sweet that we all could enjoy. As my kids were growing up that was what my mom treated them and their friends to when that had sleep overs. It got so that when the kids would ask someone to spend the night they would ask if Granny would make gravy, and of course she would. My youngest son and some of his friends worked for a hurricane clean up crew and sometimes they worked way off from home and on their way home they would call Granny and see if she had everything to make chocolate gravy, she would check and if she needed anything they would bring it to her. They always came to our house first to get their gravy fix before they went home. I guess you'd say the Chocolate Gravy was her trademark. So much so that when she passed away we put the ingredients in a jar with a nice lid and put it in her coffin cause the kids said Jesus needed gravy too.


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