
Foxy, was my pet squirrel when I was about five years. My dad cut pulp wood a lot to earn a living. He and another man cut down a tree that had a squirrel nest in it. There was two baby squirrels, daddy brought one home and the other man kept the other one. Mama fed him with an eye dropper. He grew and I kept him for several years. He made a great pet. He would let us pet him and he would run all over the house and we had a great time with him. Then one Sunday morning we let him out of his cage and he was doing his running around the house. My mom was sitting on the couch reading a paper, and he was running across the back of the couch and he made the trip several times then, he ran down my moms' arm and bit her thumb! He wouldn't let go!! Mama had to squeeze his jaws and get him to turn lose. Needless to say, Foxy had to go outside! He was lucky he wasn't supper. Daddy put him a box in my favorite tree and he stayed there for several months. Then he met a girl squirrel and left me. I was sad for me but daddy said to be happy for him.


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