I have been watching

the birds come and go. The goldfinches that spent the winter here are long gone. A few of the hummingbirds are back. I have watched a pair of blue birds feed and raise a brood. We have a pair of carolina wrens that have raised one brood in our barn and now she is working on a nest in a wren jug on the porch. The other day pop and I were sitting on the porch and noticed a young female red bird taking straw into a shrub. I took a peek and sure enough she was working on a nest. I checked on it again yesterday when I was pulling some grass from the flowers. What I saw was a completed nest, I assume that in a few days there will be eggs. I keep out a feeder with sunflower seeds but she prefers the cracked corn that I throw out in the yard. We also have several doves that come in for an easy meal. They have all gotten used to us being on the porch. We can get up and move around and they just go on eating or getting a drink from the bird bath. We spend a lot of time on the porch watching the birds. Pop say a different bird the other day and he took his hunting binoculars and took a look, then he laughed and said, "see what you've done to me, you've made me a bird watcher!"


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