
As I sit here and write I have to thank God, for allowing me to be born in the United States of America. Every night when I say my prayers I ask God to watch over our troops and to bring as many home safely and in one piece as he possibly can. I also ask him to watch over them and give them the strength and the courage to do the things they have to do. I hope that you are also praying for our troops. Freedom isn't free! Don't take it for granted. Look around you, read the papers and listen to the news, if we don't stand up for our freedom right here in the USA it will be taken away from us. A one world government, and Sharia law would override our Constitution. Be wary my friends, little by little, inch by inch the progressives will steal our freedom and our liberties. Too many good men and women of all races have died to give us these freedoms, for you and I to let them be taken from us. I am Red, White, and Blue through and through. God, Family, Country! If you don't love the USA, and will not fight to keep her free, then you need to pack your bags and leave.


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