The Way It Used To Be

Do you remember when you started your day at school with the Pledge of Allegiance, then there was the reading of a Bible verse, then a prayer? Do you remember when you said a prayer before a ball game? Do you remember when you could carry a knife to school? Do you remember when all the boys and some of the girls had gun racks in the back window of their trucks, and if you got a new hunting rifle or shotgun you told every body at school including the principal? Do you remember having friends from all walks of life and different religions, and you went to church with each other just because you were friends? Do you remember that you didn't kiss and tell? Do you remember having respect for your parents, your friends, your teachers, and most of all yourself? We all have to stand for what we believe in! Do you believe in our country? Do you believe in a Higher Power? Do you believe in respect and discipline? Do you believe in personal responsibility? Do you believe in privacy? Do you believe that life is about choices? Think about it! What do you stand for?


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