I have always like to take pictures. I got it from my mom. Back in Mama's day if you wanted something you usually got it from the peddler. You traded him stuff like eggs or butter for flour or tea or other things like cloth or maybe even a camera. After she and daddy got married she wanted a camera, so she worked in the field and traded two dozen eggs and three dollars for first camera. I still have some of her pictures and enjoy sitting down and looking through them. I have this love of photographing flowers, butterflies and around here lizards are another of my subjects. My husband says I take my best pictures with my cell phone because I always have it with me. I love the rain drops and the grasshopper on this picture. I got a two for one! I've been trying to get a good clear picture of my hummingbirds, but the shutter speed on the cell phone isn't fast enough. Thank you for stopping by my blog.
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