
When you go in a store and look for a gallon of milk there are so many choices! What happen to just a jug of milk? Did you ever think that when you take all of the nutrients out that you are destroying the healthy stuff that God put in there? Now everyone wants to go organic! That means leaving it like nature made it. I can remember when I was growing up, we moved to the city when I was thirteen. We had to start drinking store bought milk, YUCK! Tasted like snow water. I would still get to go to my sisters during the summer and her neighbor had cows. I would run from my sisters to her neighbors and she would see me coming and would pour me a class of milk and she always had cookies. We would laugh about store bought milk, and how she loved to share cookies and milk with a hungry little girl. How things have changed! Most of us don't even know our neighbors, even if we live in an apartment complex. How many of today's kids can even milk a cow, or even know how to start, much less squirt a stream of milk into a waiting kitty's mouth? Gosh, how will today's children survive if things get really hard?


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