Religion is

another topic for front porch discussions. I can remember that on Sunday's we didn't work like we did the rest of the week. We did our regular chores like, milking the cow, feeding the chickens and that sort of stuff. Mama always made a bigger breakfast, and an out of this world dinner/supper. We usually ate around 3pm, then ate off that til bedtime. Daddy didn't go to church with us, but he always took us if we wanted to go. He was an honest God fearing man, but he couldn't read and he couldn't follow them in the Bible, so he wouldn't go. I'll never forget when I was baptized. We had moved to Georgia and I was going to church with one of our neighbors. My daddy never wore a suite unless he had too. The church had a baptism pool and my dad wanted to be there. I told him I wanted him to come and to wear his overalls. But when they led us into the pool there was my dad with his suit on sitting in the front row. That's because that's what dads do. Thank you for stopping by my blog.


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