Snake Stories

When I sit down to write, I try to think of stories that were either funny or something that played a role in our lives. I'm not quite sure why a lot of them revolve around snakes. Some folks like snakes and even keep them for pets. My oldest even had a couple after he moved away from home. My theory is that the only good snake is a dead one. I know, but that's just the way I feel. Anyway, until I started writing this, I didn't realize how many snake stories were linked to my family. Here's another one!

My Mom and Dad had bought an old farm house in Alabama. At that time we all lived in Georgia. One weekend, my parents, my aunt and uncle, myself and my oldest who was a baby at the time went to Alabama to clean the place up. It was hot, so I sat the play pen up on the porch, my mom was in the kitchen working, my aunt was in the back bedroom, and my dad and uncle were outside. I was sweeping the living room when my aunt started screaming, as I entered the hallway a BIG snake was headed my way!! All I had was a broom, so I went to slamming him, hoping to slow him down, or at least addle him before he could get to the porch were my baby was. Good thing my dad had gotten us some good brooms!! It didn't break, and I killed the snake. I thought my aunt was going to have a heart attack! By the time my dad and uncle could get in the house, it was all over. My mom, kept saying hit him again! Thank goodness he didn't get past me.


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