Talking about

politics and trying to solve the problems of the world is the topic on most folks mind right now. Our economy is on a slippery slop and it seems that this administration has chosen to focus on everything but the economy and how to regain all the jobs that were lost. We now have a real disaster on our hands, and the actions and inaction are what everyone here in the south is talking about. The Southern States have been accused of every Racial problem that has come along. Now with the Coast Line of most of the Southern States facing the worst oil disaster ever we are being forgotten. It's as if the President doesn't care what happens to this part of our country. I think he would like to the the South ruined. He is more of a raciest than any southerner that I know. We are a proud people, proud of our heritage, proud of our country, proud to live in the south. Ninety-five percent of us could care less what the color of your skin is as long as you are an honest, hard working, productive member of society. We don't believe in redistribution of wealth, and we know that BP may be able to pay for a season of devastation, but this will impact our future, and our shore's for years to come and they will not pay forever. Lives, lively hood and our future are being destroyed more and more everyday.


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