As we often

do Pop and I were sitting on the porch today thinking about and talking about days gone by.  We were talking about the things we used to eat when we were kids.  Back then if you lived in the country you lived off the land.  Daddy would kill a hog or two in the fall, and in the spring there would be young fryer chickens, or an old fat hen.  We didn't know what hamburgers or steaks were.  In the fall and winter it was rabbit and squirrel.  Oh my, I can almost smell it frying, and mama would make biscuits and gravy, sometimes she would make the gravy with cornmeal instead of flour, wow it was great.  Pop was telling me about a time when he and his grandparents were sitting at the table and they saw something out the window.  His granddad told him to get the gun, he wanted to go with him but his Pap told him to stay inside.  He glued his face to the window and watched as Pap flushed up a grouse.  He said it was one of the best things that Maw had ever cooked.  They had no idea where it came from as they had never seen one before that day or after, but it sure was good.  Remembering stories like that is part of what families are all about. Sharing memories of the past, plans for the future and comfort for today.  More time needs to be spent on the front porch and less time in front of a video game and the country might be a better place.


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