
You know how when your kids are growing up you have a tendency to call them and some of their friends shorty.  Most of the time those same kids come back in a few years and they are lots taller than you are.  My family is no different. Being a woman who is vertically challenged they didn't have to grow much.  Today I was talking to my oldest son and he was calling my grandson shorty and I told him be careful one day he may be taller than you.  He said, yeah but I'm gonna put the fear in him while he's little so he won't want to get crazy when he gets older.  I told him he had the right idea! My son is a good man, with a big heart, not all families would have opened up their hearts and homes to their sisters son. My daughter-in-law is the absolute best! Not only did she fall in love with my son and his daughter, but she has opened up her heart to include my grandson. She and my son make a good pair, and they work well together. I love them dearly!


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