Thank Goodness

they got the well fixed!  Being without water bites!  The dishwasher was full, and gosh at the laundry!  I guess we know what I'll be doing later.  All this stuff with the well brought back a lot of memories of my Mom.  The women of her day were a strong and gone era.  I don't know that women of today could hold up to do the physical work they did.  I've watched my little 5'2'' mom throw a bag(sack) of fertilizer on her shoulder and walk across a fresh plowed field to where ever my dad was stopped then come back and repeat the process all day long.  They also cut pulp wood and she was his only help.  He almost cut her thumb off once!  She had on a pair of cotton gloves and her hand blended with the wood and daddy didn't see it til to late. She said the stitches hurt worse coming out than they did going in.  She was a hell of a lady and I miss her dreadfully.  I know the mental work most of us do know is tiring and draining but they were a bred unto themselves, and I salute them.  Thank you for stopping by my blog.


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