This well thing has

brought back so many memories.  I was talking my morning walk when I was thinking about a story my used to tell about my brother.  They lived in a house that had the well on the front porch.  Right in front of the well they had built a watering trough for the horses and mules, that way they did not have to carry the water.  We had some family members who allowed their children to throw tantrums.  Well my brother was about 4 and he took a pencil out of my Mom's sewing machine drawer, he knew he wasn't suppose to do that and when Mama told him to put it back, he threw it across the room.  Not only did he throw the pencil across the room, he fell down in the floor and went to kicking and screaming.  My Mom's answer to that was, (oh did I mention that he was also holding his breath) to scoop him up and toss him in the watering trough!  Needless to say that was my brothers first and last tantrum.  


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