Fourteen Days After T-lift

Today marked the 14th day after pop's surgery.  I think he is doing remarkably well.  He says that the nerve pain that he had in his legs is gone.  We both know that there is a possibility that it will come back in time.  We are not getting our hopes up on him being totally pain free.  He still has back pain but he says it's a different type of pain than he had before surgery.  I have to remind him that it has only been a short time since he had major surgery.  He is walking laps around our porch, he has worked up to 35 laps. He starts with 20 then 10 then 5.  I am really proud of him.  We go for his 2 week check up tomorrow, they will do x-rays to see if the fusion is starting to form.  Neither of us are looking forward to the hour and a half ride to the doctor and the same amount of time to get back home.  Thank you for your prayers and for stopping by my blog.


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