Good Report

First let me tell you that pop got a good report form the doctor.  The doctor was really happy about the progress that pop has made since surgery.  Now let me tell you what we talked about on the way to the doctor.  We were talking about what it was like when we were growing up.  Today's kids eat candy and happy meals almost every day.  We didn't know what a store bought hamburger was until we were teenagers.  Candy was a Christmas treat.  My sister and I would get excited to think that we were going to get a huge peppermint stick from Santa Clause!!!  Mama would bust us off pieces with the hammer. We tried to make it last as long as possible.  When we grew up kids went outside to play and work, they were not glued to an x-box or tv. Inner city kids don't have a chance to get out an play because the grown ups have made choices that rob children of their childhood.  Take your kid out to play and make some memories.


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