My Dad

wasn't able to have back surgery.  My dad had a bad back long before all the technology to repair it had been developed.  I remember when he hurt his back.  He was plowing a field and he was tugging on the plow when he said he felt something happen to his back.  He came home on the tractor but it took mama and both me and my sister to get him in the house.  My dad sent me to get our neighbor, no phones back then. I ran all the way, and told them that my dad need them to come quick.  Mr. Watson came and took my dad to a chiropractor.  When they left our house my dad couldn't stand up straight, when he came home he was much better and standing straight.  I know that some chiropractors are quacks but this one really helped my dad.  He always had problems after that.  He wore my brothers motorcycle belt.  When he wore it out he would go to the saddle shop where they worked with leather and get another one made. I really miss my dad!  Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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