What Do You Do

when the power is out?  As I lay here this evening with the power out and the rain falling on the roof, I watched as the candle flame flickered across the ceiling.  I watched as the shadows of the deer and bear mounts changed in  the motions of the flames.  My mind drifted back to kerosene lamps and two little girls making shadows on the wall. My sister and I used to make shadow bunny rabbits and faces with our hands. We would make our hands talk and fight and could entertain ourselves for the longest of time.  I thought about all the quilts and hand sewn clothes that were made by only one small dim light. How many Bible verses have been read by the light of a candle?  Could you go back in time?  A time without television, x-boxes, computers, cell phones and electric lights.  Did you know that there are places right here in the United States that does not have electricity? Did you know that there are people right here that go to bed hungry because they refuse to take hand outs? Thank you for stopping by my blog.


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