Can't Tell
Have you ever painted with an air brush? It can be quite hard until you learn. When the kids were growing up I was married to this man who always tried to come up with those get rich quick schemes. This one time he decided to buy a bunch of plaster molds. We turned our chicken house into a work shop and started making things. We also painted them. To speed the process along he bought me an air brush and I went through several pieces before I got it right. I had gotten pretty good at it and we were trying to get a load finished to take to an auction. The kids kept pestering me, and I told one of them it he kept on I was going to paint his belly button green.(name of oldest son withheld because he said I couldn't tell this) Needless to say he came back again and did not realize how long my hose was and yes he sported a green belly button that would not wash off for days!! We did not make a lot of money in the plaster business but it sure left my yard a mess.
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