Fall Is In The Air

Cool nights, warm days I love this kind of weather!!  I have become an avid deer hunter and I look forward to this time of year.  I love to sit in my stand and enjoy nature.  I like to get in there before daylight and wait for the sun to come up and all the woods to come to life.  Have you ever seen a deer with frost still on it's back?  Have you ever watched as two bucks fight for dominance?  Have you watched a bob cat our for his morning stroll?  Have you ever heard the sound of a hawk in the air and then watch him swoop down and grab a squirrel off the ground?  Have you ever watched as wild turkeys scratch for food, then after they have gone, watch as a coyote comes through looking for them?  I hope you enjoy the outdoors and the nature around you!  Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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