Gosh it was cold
this morning! Tomorrow is the last day of hunting season, and I think I have almost lived in our deer stands the last few days. I enjoy shooting a good buck with a nice rack, but we also love to eat venison. We try to manage our deer herd so that they don't get over crowded. Our whole family lives off venison! Sitting in the stand this morning as the sun was coming up and warming things up the woods started to come to life. The squirrels and birds came out to play in the sunshine. I couldn't count all the cardinals that were scattered over our food plot. You see we plant food plots so that all our animals can have food. We also plant bedding plots with tall grasses for the does to fawn in next spring. Quail and turkey also find refuge in the tall grass. We make brush piles for the turkey to nest in. We try to be good stewards of the land and take care of the animals who live here. I believe that there will come a time where we will have to go back to living off the land and I pray for those who don't know how.
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