The Graft Is Not Fusing

The last time we went to the back doctor he told Pop that the left side of his back is not fusing properly.  Pop said, "exactly what does that mean"?  The doctor told him that the graft is what holds the screws in place.  When they do a T-lift they do a bone graft over the top of the screws, that is what holds them in place so it is a must for the graft to fuse.  If it does not fuse they will have to go back in a redo the graft.  Pop is in a lot of pain, but he still gets out and does things.  Today it was a beautiful day and we worked outside most of the day.  He can ride the mower for short periods of time so he mulched some of the leaves and I took the blower and cleaned up the driveway.  Then I decided to give our truck a bath!!  I get so tickled at Pop.  Every time I start to wash the truck he'll say that he will have Jose do it.  (Jose is our handyman)  I've been waiting two years for him to get Jose to was the truck!!  I just went ahead and washed it this evening and even cleaned the inside.  My oldest son will be surprised!  He teases me all the time about washing the truck. He knows how I hate a dirty car!!


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