Lone Star Quilt
About 30 years ago I started a red, white, and blue lone star quilt. I had forgotten all about it until I was writing a post about quilting. I went out to the barn yesterday and went through some boxes and found that unfinished quilt top. I took it up to the loft in the house which serves as a guest room, office and sewing room. I spread it out on the bed and took out the unfinished pieces. Boy my sewing was not that great!! My seams are way to big! I may even have rip those seams out and start over on some pieces. I counted pieces and realized that I am two pieces short. I hope that after all these years I can find some material to match. I got to thinking, why did I not finish this quilt? After giving it some thought I remembered that I had spilled some coke on those two missing pieces and had just never taken the time to get the cloth to fix it. So that is my first winter sewing project. Finish that top and get it quilted. I'll have to make a set of quilt frames because my sister has my mom's. So when I finish it I will post a pic and update you on my progress from time to time. I hope it doesn't take me until spring to finish it!!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. God Bless and have a great day.
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