My Mama
was not just my Mama, she was my best friend. I could tell my mom anything and she wouldn't tell anyone. She was never judgmental, she always tried to advise in a subtle kind of way. She lived with me for over eighteen years after my dad past away and I got a divorce. She took over being the mama and I worked and tried to earn us a living. So of my happiest times and best memories were shared with my mom. One of her favorite things was to sit in our kitchen and watch the birds at the feeder. She kept her book of birds there on the table so she could identify the ones she didn't already know. We talked about everything and anything. I loved the stories that she told of her childhood and those of raising us kids. On my recipe blog I share with you some of her favorite recipes. Two of her signature recipes were chocolate gravy and tea cakes. She would tell stories about when my oldest sister and brother were growing up. Kids just always seem to wind up at my mama's house, and when they would come they would want her to make tea cakes and if she didn't have the ingredients back home they would go to see if they could find what she needed.
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