Old Pictures

Last night I decided that I wanted to look through my  old pictures.  I have pictures going back to before I was born.  As I looked through them, some made me laugh and some made me cry. There were pictures of my mom's parents who died shortly after I was born and a couple of my mom's grandmother.  You can see the Cherokee in her!! I was told she had a heck of a temper, guess that's where I got it from. I love to look at the pictures of my dad when he was a young man, my youngest son looks a lot like him.  There is this one where my mom was clowning being silly, that's a side of her we didn't see often enough.  There were some of my grandson skating before he even learned to walk!  Then there was this hilarious photo of my two boys when the oldest first got into weight lifting, they are standing outside striking body building poses and the youngest thinks he's as built as his brother(at the time the youngest was just a little heavy).  I even have a picture of me when I was about 4 years old laying on the hood of a '57 ford, and another of me standing by that same '57 when I was 16. That '57 became my first car.  My dad had gotten it for my brother when he graduated boot camp, and it was just passed around the family.  It was wrecked numerous times, but I did the final number on it!  I loved that old car!  My mom really liked pictures and I guess that is where my son got his first interest in photography.  He is such a great photographer! He is so creative and pays such attention to detail. I guess you can tell I am very proud of him.  Have a blessed day and thank you for stopping by my blog.


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