Frozen Pipes
I can not imagine the kind of cold that the folks up north and out to the west have been having. I would not know where to begin to weatherize a home for those kind of temperatures. The first year after my divorce, I wasn't smart enough to winterize the house and wound up with frozen pipes! Oh my, what a challenge!! I didn't have the money for a plumber, so underneath the house I went. I enlisted the help of my oldest son who was all of twelve. I have a bit of a problem with tight spaces and not only did he hand me tools and pipes, but he kept me talking so I wouldn't be scared. Gosh it was so cold and if I close my eyes I can see us skinning up under there. Thankfully we got it right on the first try! I then went and bought a roll of plastic and closed off all the places that air could get under the house. Have you ever hit your thumb with a hammer when it's 15 degrees. Hurts like a son of a gun!! Needless to say I never waited til the middle of winter to put up plastic and make our old house a warmer place to be. Thank you all for stopping by my blog.
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