Security Blanket
Everyone has their own kind of security blanket. Lots of kids hang on to their favorite blanket or stuffed animal. When I finally got enough courage to leave an abusive marriage the kids and I really struggled to hang on. My oldest son had asthma and he and one of his friends tried to convince me for months to let him take a martial arts class. They used the reasoning that it would be good for his breathing. I finally gave in and went and talked to the instructor said it would be good for him and he would keep an eye on him. Because of the distance I would sit and watch the class and decided I would like to give it a try. I ask my son if it would embarrass him if I started taking class with him. He said he would really like it if I did. To make a long story short not only did I love the class, I became obsessed with it!! Between my faith in God and the martial arts I was able to get through more trials and tribulations than you can imagine. So I guess you can say that the martial arts are my security blanket. Thank you for stopping by my blog! What's your security blanket??
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