What Kind of Leaves Are These

As I was walking through the woods today, I thought about my Mama.  I think she knew every tree in the woods!  Every since I can remember people would bring leaves to her and ask what kind of tree did they come from.  She would have loved this place.  We used to go walking in the woods all the time before her knees started to hurt her when she walked.  We have hard wood bottoms and a stream that feeds into a big creek.  I can see her walking along the creek and in the marsh looking for herbs like yellow root.  It's been so long since I have seen it growing wild I wouldn't know it if I saw it.  There are some early marsh flowers that are just beautiful, but they only grow in the marsh. I sat down on a tree that had been blown over and I cried for a while. I really miss her!  Sometimes it seems no matter what I do or were I go she is there with me.


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