'72 Nova

I stole a car once, it was a 1972 Nova.  Well technically it was community property and I promised I wouldn't take his car, but he left me no other choice.  I was involved in a very abusive marriage and a week or so before I took the car we had a hell of a fight.  He tried to take our daughter and leave with her!  Somehow I got in between the body of the car and the door trying to get the keys out of the car, and he kept trying to shut the door.   I got the keys and threw them up the street.  The neighbors called the police, but when they got there he begged me not to have him arrested.  Like a fool I didn't!!  Instead I talked him into us taking the kids to stay with my mom for a week or two and when we got back from dropping them off  we had a notice that we had to move.  He also had to find a new job, so I took him for a job interview and promised that I would pick him up when he was done.  Promised again that I would not take his car!!  Yeah right,  I went by the car lot where it was financed and told them where I was going and had it put in my name. Color me gone!!!!  I drove that car until the motor was worn out and every time you closed the hood rust fell out!!


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