I wish I had

paid more attention to my mom about a lot of things.  I want to make some pot holders and it is more of a challenge than I anticipated.  Getting the binding to go around the edges without wrinkles is starting to get on my nerves.  My mom was such a good seamstress!  She could look at a dress or anything else and go make her own pattern.  She made all of her dresses and night gowns.  She made my daughters cheerleader outfit. When my daughter started skating I couldn't afford the costumes so my mom made them.  The two of them would watch the ice skaters and pick an outfit they liked and mama would put her own little twist to it.  They were beautiful!!  I wish I had a thimble full of her talent!!  Gosh there are days when I think about her all I can do is cry!  Have a great day and thank you for stopping by my blog.


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