C B Raido's

It used to be that every car and truck had a CB in it.  I loved it!  You could keep up with traffic and talking kept you going on a long trip.  On this one trip I had gone to take my daughter and her son back home to North Carolina.  On my way back home I struck up a conversation with some truck drivers that were going my way.  We talked about our families and were they were going and they kept me from crying.  My grandson was only about a year old and they had lived with us a lot.  I really didn't like leaving them there but once children get so old you can't control them.  Then it started to rain.  I had a really nice car but it liked to hydroplane.  I had to slow down and lost contact with that group of drivers.  Then a little later they were passing word back to other drivers to watch out for me.  Some of the drivers ran through a place where a creek was flooding over the road and they radioed back for the other drivers to tell me when I got to that spot for me to put my foot to the gas and not let up til I got through it.  Another driver said, "let me get if front of you so you can time it right."  Another said, "I'm right behind you."  I did what they said and my heart raced as I saw the water coming across the road, I took a deep breath and hit the gas.  I went through the water and slide some on the other side but I made it through.  I talked to those drivers til we all filtered off on different roads.  Times have changed since then, the last time I had a radio the language was just awful.  Now with the use of cell phones, radar scramblers, and tom-toms CB's aren't used that much.


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