Cars Are People Too!

Have you ever had a car that seemed to have it's own personality?  I owned one and met a few!  The first one that comes to mind is the one that belonged to the young man who took me on my first date.  He had a '55 Chevy that he had worked on since before he got a learners permit.  She was a beautiful car!  Our date started out great and the car ran like a top.  Then when we started home we kissed a little, and the car wouldn't start.  I moved over to the passenger side and she started right up.  Fluke!! NOT!  We were riding down the road and I slide over next to him and the car died!!  We laughed, car jealous!  No joke as long as I was on my side of the car she ran great!  Hey, if the car doesn't like you, you're history.  We joked about it all through school,  we were good friends but we didn't date.  I had a '69 Ford that was fickle.  I had to talk to it like it was a human just to get her to run, but run she would.  My son had a '69 Firebird that was jealous of every girl that got in it.  He should have kept that car it would have been less costly!


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