Gas Prices

The hot topic on our front porch today was gas prices.  How in the world are the folks who make minimum wage or just above gonna buy gas to get to and from work?  There are all these government handouts for people who want to milk the system but there is no help at all for the working poor.  There won't be any government grants or bailouts for the folks who get out and put in forty plus hours per week, work two jobs so their kids can play ball or be in the band.  It takes gas to get to all these places!  Inflation is starting to creep up and who knows how high gas and groceries will go.  I can remember when gas was a quarter for a gallon.  I even got in trouble one time for putting high grade gas in because it was thirty-five cents.  Daddy said I would burn the valves running that high price stuff.  People are not going to have any disposable income to buy anything but what they have to have.  There won't be family trips, or eating out and it will cause the economy to be even worse.  I hope we get a handle on all this mess before this country goes belly-up.  Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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