Depression Bites!!
I hate it when I get like this!!!! Praise the Lord that I can now recognize what's happening before it gets to far out of hand. The first time it happened, I didn't know what was going on and it went as far as me thinking about suicide. If I could have thought of a foolproof way for my family to have gotten my insurance without any questions, I would not be here. I was to the point of giving up!! Thankfully one of my karate students picked up on my emotions and he and his wife called me everyday. I owe my life to those two! I can now see the symptoms before it gets out of hand. I don't like to take pills, but sometimes it's a must. Part of my problem is menopause. I have found some herbal medication that helps with the hot flashes and the chemical imbalance that it causes. I started back walking this morning to get my physical side back in the game. I also noticed that I need to start stretching to get everything moving better. It will take a little time to work through this but I think I've gotten myself going in the right direction. Have a safe and blessed day!
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