
Until just a few years ago my family always had a garden.  Gardens are not just where you learn how to grow vegetables it where you learn some of life's most valuable lessons.  We worked in the garden so that we could eat, so we learned to provide for our families. It was also where we spent time learning respect, not just for mother nature, but when you got out of line you were sent to pull weeds.  We learned how to work together in getting something done. You spend less time in the heat if everyone puts forth the work to complete the task of the day.  When you are young you don't understand the gratification of a closet full of canned goods, but as you get older it dawns on you the importance of those goods.  City kids miss out on those lessons of life.  Children are like gardens, it you plant them, give them some water and fertilizer they will grow into productive members of society. However just like a garden left unattended, without constant care it will wither and die or be filled with thorns and thistle. I don't have a garden here at this place nor are there any children and I miss them both.  Thank you for stopping by, have a blessed day/evening.


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