Have Mercy!!

Pop and I sit on the porch of the mornings and decide what we are going to do for the day.  He said he was going to take one of the lawnmowers and cut grass out front and he wanted me to go to the shop and pick up the other mower.  He put his shoes on and went out to the barn to get the mower.  He forgot to take his drink with him so as I was headed across the yard to give it to him, I saw this big black snake crossing the yard.  I started hollering snake and trying to watch where he went.  The snake went up under the yucca plant and when pop came around the other side with a shovel, it darted out and around the well house.  I saw it go under my big hydrangea plant.  Pop said get me the water hose, snakes don't like water and we will flush him out.  Well it didn't come out.  We watched for a while and then we went and took care of our chores.  Then this evening when I went in the well house there it was!!  Curled up in a corner!!  I was able to pin it down until pop got there to help me kill it.  I know all the pro's and con's of having snakes around the house.  We live way back in the woods and the last thing I need is to go on the porch at night and encounter ANY kind of snake.  Thanks for stopping by my blog.


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