I Love my Mama

I really miss my Mama!!  Holidays like Mother's Day and Christmas are the worse. Those of you who read my blog already know she wasn't just my Mama she was my best friend.  It was that way as I was growing up and became even more so after my dad passed away.  A few years after his death, I got a divorce then a couple years later she moved in with me.  She became the Mom and I took the roll of provider.  I don't know what the kids and I would have done without her.  I still have a box of cards and letters that she had saved over the years.  There are letters that I wrote and received from my sister when I was just a little girl.  The first Mother's Day and Father's Day card that my oldest son and I sent when he was a newborn baby.  Those things are priceless.  I know she is planting flowers in Jesus' garden because she could make anything grow.  Her signature meal was chocolate gravy and biscuits.  When she passed away the kids put the ingredients for chocolate gravy in her casket, they said Jesus needed chocolate gravy too.  If you still have your Mother be sure to tell her how much you love her.  I know that not all children have the relationship that my Mom and I had but I know that there is a woman in your life that you love and respect, give that woman a special call, or card, or something to let them know you care.  Have a blessed and wonderful day and share it with someone you love.


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