
My Dad once said that over the years I would meet many people,  most would just be acquaintances, but there would be a few who would friends, and then there would be only a handful that would be my true friends.  Close and true friends are the ones who are there for you no matter what stage of life you are going through.  They hold you hand when you are sick, give you a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen when you just need to talk.  They don't critic your every move, but be honest when you ask.  I spent part of yesterday with my closest friend.  She came into my life many years ago as my sister's best friend.  Over the years, since I grew out of the pesky little sister stage, she and I have become the best of friends.  I am really glad to be back here in Alabama so she and I will have more time to visit.  Her mom is not in good health and I understand what it's like to take care of the one you love and have to watch them slip away from you.  Maybe I can help her out some and be there if she needs me the same way she was for me when my parents passed away.  I thank God for her friendship! True friends are few and far between, if you have one or two you can consider yourself lucky.

By the way if you are reading my blog to see if I am going to write lies or trash about pop, don't bother coming back to my blogs.  I will write the truth, I do not name names except when I use the first name of my children or grandchildren.  I am well aware of the laws against slander, and I know and recognize the web address attached to pop's computer and that of most of his acquaintances.   Have a great day!  


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