Gadgets and More Gadgets!

Since my son and I were talking the other day about traveling with kids I've been doing some research.  We were talking about his wife's car having two DVD players in the back seat for the kids to watch.  He said it would be nice if they had some headphones so the could control the volume themselves.  I found some clarion wireless headphones These things are so neat some of them even come with a small television.

While I was searching for those clarion wireless headphones, I also found some motion activated cameras.  We have several of those on our deer feeders and hog traps.  The ones we have use a lot of batteries so I want to see if I could find some that are solar powered. Our neighbor also needs a solar powered motion activated camera.  He was looking for some tools in his barn the other day only to find that they were missing.  We suggested that he needed  put up a camera.

My neighbor ask me if i was using a Nikon telephoto lens to get those neat pictures of the birds.  I  just love taking pictures of wildlife!!   I told him no, that I shoot with a Cannon but, everyone has their own preference on the type of camera and lens that they shoot with.  My son's friend shoots with a Nikon and he has the 300mm/f4.0 telephoto lens.   I take a lot of bird pictures and I would really like to have a long distance like that.



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