Martial Arts
I was involved in the martial arts for years. I loved every minute of it, including the black eye(only once) and the bruises that went with it. I don't know how I would have made it through the years without it. The dojo was my home away from home, and the instructors and students were and extended family. It was the one place in the world that I was just me. When I walked through those doors the outside world was left behind and all that mattered was what was happening inside the dojo(karate school). I worked, I trained, I taught, I fought, I lived and breathed karate. It was something that I was good at. I learned, I taught, I competed and I loved every moment of it. I would still be knee deep in the middle of it all, but a shoulder surgery gone bad makes it hard for me to do things with the same perfection that I demand of myself. I work out alone that way no one knows how difficult the motions are for me or critics my range of motion.
Have a great day and thank you for stopping by my blog.
Have a great day and thank you for stopping by my blog.
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