Still No Rain

No rain is one of the main topics on our front porch lately.  Things here are so dry!  Our friends who farm are in real trouble, especially those without irrigation.  They say that they can not remember a time during their lifetime that it has been this dry this early in the growing season.

That of course leans to the next hot topic, which is the economy.  All the things that mother nature is throwing at the farmers across the country of course will lead to higher grocery prices.  Then you add the extra cost of fuel to farm and get the product to market, that goes in the grocery price.  Farmers who irrigate run their pumps off diesel fuel and that's added in.  The high cost of labor, you name it and it adds to your cost at the grocery store.  All I can say is if you are lucky enough to get fresh veggies at a good price you better freeze or can them, and if you find a good sale on can goods, stock up.  We have to be self sufficient and rely on ourselves to take care of our families.


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