Wardrobe Update

It started out your normal day of getting ready to run errands, and ended up with all my clothes on the bed and in the floor.  Nothing seemed to look good or fit the way I wanted it to, so this afternoon I sat down at the computer to look for a designer named Prada that I used to wear a lot of their shoes and clothes. When I was working in the business world I wanted to look nice.  I was a receptionist and my boss said, " I was the first impression anyone got of his company."   I got into the Prada design after receiving a pair of Prada shoes as a gift.

Did you know that the Prada brand has been around since around 1913.  Muiccia the granddaughter of the founders revamped the brand in the '70s.  That was right about the time that I began living my life in Prada shoes.  The heels were sturdy no matter how high they were.  I even chased down a my smart mouthed 14 year old in a pair, because he didn't think I would run in them.  I'm not sure my ankles are strong enough to wear the stiletto heels anymore, but I found some other heels that would look good with the other new clothes I bought today.


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